Konica Minolta

Green Solutions and Services

Designed for sustainable and efficient business practices.

Environmental advice for your business

As part of our Optimised Print Services, our team of professionals will conduct an audit of your current print environment, and will present the findings to you in a report.  The report will identify your power consumption on printing, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and measure other related environmental factors.

The report can also include recommendations and a customised solution, identifying steps that can be taken to reduce environmental impact, with benefits calculated in various units.

Device optimisation

Many organisations have more printing devices than they need, as they are accumulated over time through unmanaged purchasing. An OPS Eco Consultation will analyse your print environment by making recommendations on device optimisation.

Recommendations may include deploying fewer but higher capacity devices in central locations, improving the machine capabilities available to the user, while reducing the overall environmental footprint as less power is needed to run them.

Pull printing

Pull printing is a document management solution that lets you print documents from anywhere and retrieve them from any printing device on a network.

Not only can this service save your business costs and increase efficiency and convenience for staff, you can promote better eco-friendly printing practices with documents less likely to be left lying abandoned at the copier.

Electronic Document Management

Konica Minolta’s EDM software frees up valuable office space while costing less to install and maintain than traditional hardcopy archival systems.

Digitising your documents will improve efficiency, lower costs and create a more eco-friendly environment, with less paper, toner and power being used day to day.

Cost Management

An organisation’s hard costs, particularly printing, can quickly escalate out of control.  Konica Minolta’s range of tailored solutions can help an organisation reduce their paper costs by up to 30% so it makes good business sense to audit print costs.

Having better visibility on printing costs allows for better procedures to be introduced to minimise wastage and improve efficiency. Information can be made publically available for scrutiny and accountability about users’ printing habits, and significant reductions in print volume can be achieved. Further benefits can be achieved by introducing “visual guilt” aides to the office environment, like pop-up screens that tell the user how much their print job will cost (in dollars, number of pages, or number of trees) forcing the user to make a conscious decision about their actions.

Konica Minolta also offers OPS Advanced Reporting for customers who want to be sent information about the activities of their printers across their entire network. Reports are delivered electronically every month straight to your inbox, and then reviewed with you, in person, by your Konica Minolta Account Manager every quarter.

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