How Konica Minolta leverages best-in-class ITSM to transform Australian businesses

22 Jan 2024
How Konica Minolta leverages best-in-class ITSM to transform Australian businesses

Australian companies face the challenge of staying competitive while managing complex digital ecosystems, and many businesses have invested in Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) that underpin their operations and technology stacks to achieve this. 

As organisations increasingly rely on technology, the need for effective ITSM becomes paramount. At its core, ITSM lets businesses more effectively design, deliver, manage, and improve how their IT is used, which ensures that IT services support business objectives and deliver value. ITSM streamlines operations by standardising and automating routine processes, letting businesses significantly reduce manual efforts and errors. This efficiency reduces costs while freeing up valuable resources to focus on more strategic initiatives rather than daily operations. 

Additionally, ITSM frameworks like Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) provide structured guidance that empowers organisations to manage risk, strengthen customer relations, establish cost-effective practices, and build a stable environment that facilitates growth, scale, and change. In short, this means that ITSM is more than just an IT tool; it's a strategic enabler that optimises processes and aligns IT services with business needs.

Facilitating agile and flexible responses to market changes 

In an environment where change is constant, agility is crucial for survival and success. Best-in-class ITSM solutions empower businesses to respond swiftly and effectively to market demands. They provide the necessary tools and processes to adapt IT services quickly in response to changing business requirements. 

At Konica Minolta, we're known for being a premium brand that delivers best-in-industry customer service, especially when it comes to our printing solutions. While we’re well-known in the print world, that’s not where our expertise ends.

We recently launched our locally developed Insight Hub to the Australian market, bringing our best-in-class IT services to even more aspects of the customer experience (CX). We wanted to take ITSM to the next level, giving our customers a single pane of glass to manage their IT and print solutions from for real-time, end-to-end digital service. The Insight Hub seamlessly connects your technology, processes, and people with Konica Minolta, so you can achieve greater levels of self-service, as well as more streamlined print and IT infrastructure management.

Insight Hub lets you reduce double handling between your IT department and service providers, while also providing additional insight into data and IT tickets. With Insight Hub, any ticket your team raises relating to a Konica Minolta solution is automatically raised in our system, giving us a holistic, real-time view of your IT infrastructure. This lets us work with you to anticipate and proactively resolve any issues you encounter for a smoother workflow.

Additionally, it also lets us collaborate to optimise your resource allocation, boost your efficiency and productivity, and save you time in managing both print and IT, leading to lower costs. Beyond this, we can also work closely with you to ensure that your technology roadmap is closely aligned with your business goals, giving you the flexibility to adapt your future plans as needed to accommodate changing market environments.

The flexibility that ITSM and the Konica Minolta Insight Hub provides is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. It lets businesses seize opportunities and address challenges in real-time, while ensuring IT capabilities are aligned with business strategies and objectives. 

Learn more about the Konica Minolta Insight Hub here . To find out how Konica Minolta can help transform your business with best-in-class ITSM, contact the team today.   


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